All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants

Implant-supported dentures help people restore the function of the maxillofacial system, the aesthetics of the smile, and improve the quality of life. When one or more units in a row are missing, single implants are usually placed. In the case of complete adentia (absence of all teeth), all-on-4 implantation is recommended. This method allows you to replace all lost units at once and restore 100% of the tooth rows. Affordable Dentistry of South Florida offers turnkey all-on-4 implants in Hollywood, Florida at an affordable price. The service includes all necessary implant manipulations. You can schedule a consultation with the doctor online or by calling (754) 714-3057.

What are all-on-4 implants?

The strength of the construction is achieved through the use of specially designed posts with so-called multi-units (attachments of the denture base to the implants). An important role is also played by the correct position of the implants – two of them are implanted vertically in the area of the front teeth, and two of them are implanted in the area of the chewing teeth at an inclination of 45 degrees. In some cases, long posts are used that reach the zygomatic bones – this makes it possible to fix the construction even more firmly.

All-on-4 technology refers to a type of implant placement with immediate loading (or one-stage placement). So, a person gets a full set of teeth in just one procedure, and can immediately start using the teeth to their full potential: chewing food, smiling without embarrassment. And this is a serious advantage that distinguishes this method from the classical two-stage implant placement, which involves a long (up to six months) period of osseointegration. Initially (immediately after implant implantation), a temporary prosthesis (adaptation) is installed, which is made of acrylic and supplemented with artificial gum, which allows to hide defects of the natural gingival contour. And when the artificial roots are fully engrafted, the temporary structure is replaced by a permanent one.

Benefits of All-on-4 dental implants

  • All-on-4 implants can be used for long-term missing teeth. In such a case, it is no longer possible to place conventional implants without a sinus elevator (bone augmentation), as they will simply not hold in the jawbone;
  • Shortest possible time – you will be able to enjoy your “new teeth” in 1-3 days;
  • Restoration of aesthetics – the prosthetic element fixed on implants has a base that fully imitates the gum mucosa, as well as zirconia crowns that are visually indistinguishable from real teeth;
  • Facial rejuvenation – thanks to restoration of a full bite at All-on-4, the tone of facial muscles and skin increases, the correct facial oval is restored, which literally transforms a person for the better and makes him or her look several years younger;
  • Quicker engraftment – due to immediate chewing load and maintenance of quality blood circulation in the tissues, the bones of the jaw will receive full nutrition, which will activate and accelerate the process of cell regeneration, so that the implant will engraft faster;
  • Precise positioning of the posts in the facial bones, without the risk of damaging sinus cavities and other anatomical structures – this is possible thanks to computer modeling and pre-calculated location of the implants before the surgical intervention;
  • The period of wear of the adaptation prosthesis depends on how the implants will take root, the need to adjust their location to the changing topography of the gums, and possible breakages;
  • Ease of removal and reinsertion by the doctor (if correction or repair is necessary) – installation and dismantling of the structure with artificial teeth is facilitated by a screw connection.

Indications and contraindications

All-on-four implants are indicated in these situations:

  • Complete absence of teeth on one or both jaws;
  • Closely located sinus cavities;
  • Lack of bone thickness for conventional implantation;
  • The desire to obtain complete teeth in the shortest possible time.

The procedure also has a few contraindications, mainly related to systemic diseases of the elderly:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Blood abnormalities (clotting disorders);
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Immune problems.

Stages of All-on-4 implant placement

All-on-4 implant placement consists of several stages. Each of these steps plays an important role in ensuring that the patient’s engraftment is guaranteed and the quality of life is improved after the prosthesis is completed.


Before All-on-4 implants can be placed, a thorough preparation is necessary. This consists of mandatory radiographs and CT scans to obtain complete information about the condition of the jaw bones and bone thickness. Jaw impressions are also made and a three-dimensional model is created based on the data obtained.

Also during the preparation the patient is prescribed general tests to assess the state of health, to identify possible contraindications for implant placement, to determine readiness for anesthesia and surgical intervention.

Implant placement

The second stage of the All-on-4 technique is implant placement.

Post-operative period

Rehabilitation period after surgery lasts 10-14 days. During this time, there are usually 1-2 corrective appointments to monitor the healing process. Hematomas and swelling after installation of All-on-4 implants usually do not occur – such complications are more common with technologies that require incision and gum flaking. And since the operation is minimally traumatic, its consequences are less pronounced.

During the following period, periodic maintenance of the adaptation prosthesis is necessary. For the first few months, the implants grow bone tissue and take root. You should visit your doctor twice a year for professional cleaning and polishing of the prosthesis, assessment of the condition of the adjacent tissues, and comfort of wearing the structure. 

Fitting a permanent denture

What should I do immediately after getting implants?

After leaving the dentist’s office with your new teeth, you should handle them with care and take proper care of them for the first time. Remember that there is still an unhealed surgical wound in the jawbone itself that requires careful handling, monitoring, and regular antiseptic treatments:

  • You should avoid hard foods for the first couple of weeks to reduce stress on your jaws;
  • Avoid eating salty and spicy foods, which are irritating to the tissues and can provoke inflammation;
  • Avoid too hot or cold foods – overheating or hypothermia is harmful in the first days of the osseointegration period;
  • The first week do not visit saunas, gyms, avoid harmful thermal stress;
  • For several days after surgery, rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions prescribed by the doctor – this will help reduce discomfort, prevent the development of inflammation, avoid bacterial infection in the gum and bone layers, accelerate healing;
  • Purchase suitable toothbrushes and toothpastes – the brush should be soft so as not to damage the soft tissues of the gum.

After healing, artificial teeth can be treated in the same way as real teeth. However, it is better to avoid heavy loads until a permanent denture with increased strength is fitted.

Here at Affordable Dentistry of South Florida, you can restore all of your teeth in one appointment and improve your quality of life and self-esteem. Make an appointment for a consultation and we will help you regain your natural smile and joy of life!

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