Bleeding Gums

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding is common, occurring in more than 70% of adults and 50% of children. Many people do not pay enough attention to it, but the appearance of blood in the mouth is an important symptom that should not be ignored.

What are the dangers of bleeding gums?

Bleeding is an inflammatory process that occurs in the gingival sulcus. Depending on the depth of inflammation, the pathology manifests itself differently.

  • In the initial stage, the soft tissue may bleed when brushing vigorously or pressing down hard on a toothbrush.
  • More profound bleeding may occur when the area is lightly touched or with no basis at all.

Bleeding is the first signal that there is a malfunction in the body. The problem should not be left unchecked, as it can lead to more serious consequences:

  • Persistent bad breath.
  • Discomfort and soreness in the mouth.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Looseness of the teeth.
  • Swelling of soft tissues.
  • Gingivitis.
  • Periodontitis.
  • Periodontal disease.
  • Stomatitis.

At the first sign of a problem, it is necessary to see a doctor to identify and correct the cause of bleeding.

Why does it bleed?

The most common causes of pathology are inflammation or trauma to the gums. Inflammation does not occur by itself. Bacteria live in the gingival sulcus, the gap between the gum and the tooth surface. If your mouth isn’t properly hygienized, plaque builds up and hardens to form tartar. This creates a pathogenic microflora that promotes further breeding of bacteria in the gum sulcus. The epithelial layer becomes thin, resulting in brittle vessels and bleeding.

In addition to insufficient hygiene, the following causes are identified:

  • Mechanical injury. Minor damage to the soft tissues with toothpicks, hard toothbrushes or hard food can cause temporary bleeding that goes away within a week as the wound heals. Bleeding can become chronic if there is severe trauma or if orthodontic appliances (dentures, braces) are chronically chafed.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity. Inflammatory gum diseases (gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis) cause itching, discomfort, bad breath and bleeding.
  • Diseases of the internal organs. Infectious diseases of the nose, throat, blood diseases, diseases of the digestive tract, taking certain medications and allergies to drugs are also the cause of frequent bleeding, so the patient should be examined and identify the source of the pathology.
  • Hormonal disorders. An increased tendency for soft tissues to start bleeding is noted during pregnancy, when a woman experiences hormonal surges. After childbirth and restoration of hormone levels, everything returns to normal.

In addition to the main factors, the integrity of the soft tissues is affected by a lack of vitamins, especially vitamin C, reduced immunity, smoking, drinking acidic beverages, errors in dental treatment, improper bite.

Minor bleeding after a tooth extraction is normal. Extraction of wisdom teeth is a more complex and traumatic procedure, after which bleeding may last somewhat longer.

What to do if my gums are bleeding?

Bleeding is not a disease, but a symptom. It signals about hidden disorders in the body, so initially it is necessary to exclude the source of the pathology. That is why it is important to see a dentist in time and begin therapy. Treatment includes a set of preventive and therapeutic measures:

  • Home hygiene. Regular and thorough brushing of the teeth will help maintain a healthy microflora. In addition to a quality brush and toothpaste, flossing and rinses are recommended to clean hard-to-reach areas between the teeth.
  • Professional cleaning. Every six months, you should have a professional cleaning. Using ultrasound machines, your doctor will remove plaque and hard deposits that you can’t get rid of on your own.
  • Evaluation of orthodontic appliances. Incorrectly placed crowns, dentures, fillings may chafe and traumatize the soft tissues. After the examination, the doctor may decide to replace them.
  • Drug therapy. The dentist will explain the reasons why the gums begin to bleed, how to treat it and prescribe treatment with gargles or baths with antiseptic agents, anti-inflammatory gels, and antibiotics.
  • Dental treatment. In severe cases, more serious intervention is needed – splinting, curettage of periodontal pockets, and surgical techniques.

Timely visit to a doctor will eliminate the risk of complications, so it is better to trust your health to professionals.

Treating bleeding gums at Affordable Dentistry of South Florida

At the first sign of gum problems, we recommend starting therapy as soon as possible. Our doctors at Affordable Dentistry of South Florida will create an individualized treatment plan and oversee it every step of the way.

The beauty of your smile begins not only with the health of your teeth, but also the health of your gums!

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