Why Do My Teeth React To Hot Food?

Why Do My Teeth React To Hot Food

A sizzling cup of espresso in the morning is one of the most affordable adult pleasures. But that is, until the sensitivity of the tooth enamel, which doctors call hyperesthesia, sets in. This electric shock-like acute reaction to temperature stimuli is not uncommon. Teeth react to hot food in 50-70% of people, and those are the only patients who report their problem to their dentist!

There are many reasons for hyperesthesia, and not all of them are obvious on a cursory examination.

Tooth decay

Indeed, it can be the culprit of pain. But, as a rule, in this case we are not talking about surface lesions, but about large carious cavities hidden under the gums, in the area of the neck of the tooth. Sometimes dental examination is not enough to detect them, the problem can be detected only with the help of X-ray.

Recently placed filling

If your tooth first started to react to hot food after visiting the dentist, do not be alarmed. In a normal situation, within a few days, the gum micro-trauma will heal and the tooth enamel will regenerate.

Other dental interventions

Increased tooth sensitivity for a few days after brushing or whitening is the absolute norm and does not require dental intervention. Reaction to hot will definitely occur after a tooth preparation, such as before veneers or crowns are placed. Unpleasant sensations from hot tea are provided in the first days after the removal of the gingival pocket above the wisdom tooth or any other procedure that has traumatized the gums.

Non-carious lesions

In 83% of cases, the tooth aches because of non-carious lesions, such as a wedge-shaped defect or abnormal enamel wear. These conditions progress rapidly, and are difficult to treat. That is why, given the prevalence of the problem, at the first cases of discomfort caused by hot food, you must urgently contact the dentist.

Increased tooth abrasion

In a normal situation, the abrasion of enamel is almost imperceptible. With pathology, however, by the age of 35-40 the length of the visible part of the tooth may decrease by 30-50%. This process usually affects all teeth, with no exception. There are several reasons for increased erosion: bruxism, chewing hard foods for a long time and often, straight bite, and exposure to chemicals. For example, for workers in the production of inorganic acids, increased enamel wear is an unavoidable occupational disease.

Cervical wedge defect

In adulthood and old age, more often at the neck of canines and premolars, a kind of stepping stone can form. It is not as harmless as it may seem at first glance. At first the defect will make itself felt with only a slight reaction to hot food, but later it can lead to the break-off of the entire crown part. The cause of the disease is not entirely clear, but many dentists are convinced: it’s all about years of improper oral care, namely – too harsh brushing teeth.

Enamel erosion

This type of non-carious dental lesion is more common among young patients under the age of 30-35. At first, the enamel is covered with whitish spots, which over time take on a yellow, and then a brown tint.

Causing erosion can:

  • external factors: excessive consumption of sweets, juices, carbonated drinks, addiction to harsh bleaching agents, wearing braces;
  • internal causes: gastric juice in the esophagus due to reflux disease, regular vomiting due to anorexia, and even simple heartburn that recurs too often;
  • microcracks of enamel. In the most advanced cases, even the patient himself in the mirror can see longitudinal striations crossing the entire surface of the tooth. At the initial stage, digital transillumination can help detect the problem. In a darkened room, ultraviolet light emits a blue glow, while the diseased areas remain darkened. Microcracks appear as a result of the habit of clicking sunflower seeds, a love of hard nuts and lollipops.
  • drooping (recession) of the gums. This is a pathology in which the gum gradually recedes below the enamel-cement boundary, exposing the tooth cervix. The neck of the tooth is left completely unprotected from any influences, including hot food. Sometimes recession develops as an independent disease due to a congenital thin gum biotype or age. But more often recession is a consequence of periodontal disease.
  • pregnancy. While waiting for the baby, many women face the problem of hypersensitivity of the teeth. In this case, it is likely that the dentist will not identify any pathological changes in the enamel or gum disease. Healthy teeth hurt because of the hormonal storm in the body, and the woman has only one thing to do: be patient and wait. As a rule, 12-18 months after delivery, hyperesthesia passes by itself.
  • endocrine disorders. Any abnormalities in the hormonal system can increase the acidity of the oral cavity. This in turn increases the sensitivity of the enamel.
  • lack of vitamins and minerals. A lack of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus is particularly devastating to the gums and tooth enamel. For better assimilation it is necessary to take them together with vitamins: phosphorus and calcium with vitamin D, magnesium – in the form of chelate or gluconate in combination with vitamins B6, C and D.
  • chronic stress. With prolonged emotional overload, the nerve endings, including those in the dental pulp, become so sensitive that they react to the slightest discomfort.
  • chemical exposure. Corrosive chemicals in the water, air and food can be detrimental to tooth enamel, as can medicines and elevated levels of aggressive substances in drinking water, air and food.

The discomfort from eating hot food may be in one tooth or all of them. And this fact often suggests the cause of the pain. For example, a problem with one tooth is more likely to indicate mechanical trauma. Affecting several teeth next to each other or symmetrically to each other is indicative of increased abrasion.

With the generalized form of hyperesthesia, when the entire oral cavity is affected, you can almost certainly talk about systemic problems in the body: a disorder of the hormonal background, metabolism, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Make an appointment with our doctors at Affordable Dentistry of South Florida. Only qualified professionals will be able to identify the causes and prescribe the necessary treatment. Don’t hesitate to call our dental clinic at (786) 808-9988, we will be happy to help you.

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